Friday, May 31, 2013

Activities from Chapter 6, Words Their Way and PDToolkit...

Links to activities shared by our group from Chapter 6, Words Their Way and the PDToolkit:

Click each link for details...

1. Turkey Feathers: pg. 226
Focus: This activity focuses on comparing patterns across a single long vowel.

2. Homophone Win, Lose, or Draw: pg. 234
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to have students look at homophones and understand the meaning of each pair.

3. Vowel Poker Card Game: pg. 231
Focus: This activity focuses on grouping short and long vowel words by pattern.

4. Hink Pinks: pg. 235
Focus: This activity focuses on figuring out two syllable rhyming words and learning about its structure.

Word Sort:Complex consonants: ch/tch
From PDToolkit
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to help students compare and understand the complex consonant patterns of ch/tch.

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