Friday, May 31, 2013

Activity 1: Turkey Feathers

Turkey Feathers: pg. 226

This activity focuses on comparing patterns across a single long vowel.  


2 paper and cardboard turkeys without tail feather

10 construction paper feathers

At least 20 word cards representing the long vowel studied (e.g. for long a: a-e, ai, and  ay)


1.       Player One shuffles and deals five cards and five feathers to each player. The remaining cards are placed face-down for the draw pile.

2.       Each player puts down pairs that match by pattern. (Example: cake/lane would be a pair, but pain/lane would not). Each time a pair is laid down, the player puts one feather on their turkey.

3.       Dealer goes first by saying a word from their hand, and asks if the second player has a card with the same pattern.

4.       If Player 2 has a matching pattern, the first player gets the card and lays down a pair and a feather. If not, the first player draws a card. If the player draws a card that matches any word in their hand, the pair can be discarded, and a feather is earned. The next player proceeds in this manner.

5.       The player using all five feathers first wins. If a player uses all the cards before earning five feathers, the player must draw a card by the other player’s turn.

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