Friday, May 31, 2013

Activity 3: Vowel Poker Card Game

Vowel Poker Card Game: pg. 231

Focus: This activity focuses on grouping short and long vowel words by pattern.

Materials: A deck of 35-45 cards

-A good starting combination might be five cards for each short vowel in the CVC pattern for a total of 25 cards and five cards for each long vowel in the CVCe pattern (except e because there aren’t many words) for a total of 20 or more cards. Wild cards can be included.


1.       Five cards are dealt to each player and the rest are turned face-down in a deck. Players look in their hands for pairs, 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, or 5 of a kind.

2.       Each player has one chance to discard unwanted cards and draw up to four new cards from the deck to keep a hand of five cards. For example, a player might be dealt bone, rope, that, wet, and rake. This player may want to discard that, wet, and rake and draw three other cards to possibly create a better hand.

3.       The possible combinations are a pair (that, camp); two pairs (that, camp, bone, rope); 3 of a kind (bone, rope, rode); 4 of a kind (bone, rope, rode, smoke); 3 of a kind plus a pair (bone, rope, rode, bat, rat); or 5 of a kind.

4.       Students lay down their hands to determine the winner of the round. The winner is determined in this order: Five of a kind (this beats everything), four of a kind, three of a kind plus a pair, two pairs, three of a kind, and one pair. In the case of a tie, players can draw from the deck until one player comes up with a card that will break the tie.

5.       Play continues by dealing another set of cards to the players. The player who wins the most rounds is the winner.

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