Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Group Project Guidelines from Dr. Ticknor.

WTW Chapter Group Project

You will collaborate with your small group to complete a WTW Chapter Group Project that requires your small group to create a multi-media presentation of the information presented in your chapter.  You will use an online presentation format (such as Prezi, Glogster, VoiceThread, YouTube, Jing, etc.) to provide resources and examples that support and extend the chapter information.  The compiled information will include auditory, video, textual, and web resource examples. Within your small group, you will become the “expert” on 1 spelling development stage (as defined in WTW chapters 4-8).  Group information will be used as an online database for the Case Study Assignment, Part 2 (Module 4) & Instructional Grouping Assignment (Module 5).


DUE: Module 3


To complete this assignment, follow these steps:


·         Read WTW chapter 3 & your selected chapter.  Note the principles and practices for wordy study activities (Chapter 3), the specific characteristics, routines, and activities of your selected chapter/stage.

·         Locate resources that illustrate the ideas in your chapter or provide other lessons and activities for learners in your spelling stage. These should include video, auditory, visual, and textual examples (ie, Youtube video clips, professional books, children’s literature titles, websites, etc.). Ten total activities & resources.

·         Synthesize your reading of the WTW chapter, the activities in the chapter, and the outside resources into an online presentation that can be used to teach the class about your chapter and spelling stage.  You aren’t inventing the material from scratch, but the challenge is to organize it to make it clear, interesting, and usable.

o   Create your presentation in any one of the following formats:

§  Wiki (suggestions include PB Wiki, Wikispaces, or Wet Paint)

§  Blog (suggestions include Blogger, Wordpress, Typepad, or Edublogs)

§  Glogster (www.glogster.com –you may need to link several glogs together to allow for enough content)

§  Prezi (www.prezi.com)

§  If you have another preference, check with me first. 


o   Other notes about the technology:

§  Requirements for the tool you select include the ability to include text, images, video, and web links

§  Many of these sites have excellent, user-friendly online tutorials; other support can be found on the web including YouTube, so look if you’re having trouble

§  The following resources might help you find ways to collaborate:

·         Pirate Pada chat tool

·         Google Docsdocuments can be revised simultaneously by multiple people

·         Skype/Google Hangoutboth voice, video, and chat features


·         Submit one link to Bb with all group member names listed.

The final product of this process should be:

1.      A small group online presentation to share with your classmates will include the following:


·         The key points of the chapter summarized. Use the “Contents” on pages xiii-xvi as a guide for important information to summarize.  Suggested length is 2 paragraphs with at least 1 table or chart.

·         At least five examples of hands-on, interactive (give us the activity to try), and/or demonstrations (ie, video clips) of word study activities appropriate for instructing learners in this stage.  The activities will come from the “Word Study Routines & Management” OR “The Literacy Diet for the Emergent Stage” (Chapter 4 only) and “Activities” sections of your chapter. You may include one of the PD Toolkit resources (listed at the end of your chapter) as 1 of your 5 examples.  Be selective and thoughtful about the activities you choose to illustrate.  Each activity should each include:

o   the example (video, auditory, visual, and/or textual);

o   the page number of the example in text;

o   all directions for the activity (you may paraphrase these from the text);

o   all materials (word list, certain image, etc. may come from the book); and

o   a brief description (1-2 sentences) of the activity’s focus/purpose.

·         At least four examples of outside resources such as web sites, professional resources, children’s literature, etc. that support the needs of learners at your stage. Use the “Reading Instruction” OR “The Context for Early Literacy Learning” (Chapter 4 only) section of your chapter to locate literacy instructional strategies for students in your stage.  Briefly explain (1-2 sentences) why each is a good resource for these learners.

·         At least one additional resource or activity specific for English language learners.  Provide a rationale for the resource/activity with a specific connection to the chapter reading and/or the “Notes on Working with ELL Students” (3-4 sentences).

·         One key take away point (a key word or phrase) to remember that sums up the spelling stage.

·         Remember, you may use one resource from the “Balanced Literacy Diet” website for this project.


2.      An individual reflection (1-2 paragraphs WORD document) submitted to Bb about the process, including reflections on how you felt your group members did, and a description of the parts of the project you felt you were most responsible. This will serve as your individual grade portion for the project & count as your Discussion Board post for this module. Many of you have mentioned that a group grade can be problematic when not all group members contribute.  I agree.  This individual grade for the group project will hopefully put you at ease and entice all group members to put forth their best effort.  Please note that the reflection shouldn’t be used as a place to be unprofessional and/or to complain about your group members.  It should be a professional, positive, and reflective narrative about your efforts as a group member.

Assignment Checklist

Selected WTW chapter (4-8) added to Small Group Google Doc.
Review assignment guidelines.
Meet with small group via email, Google Hangout, etc.
Collaborate to divide project requirements across group members.
Read chapter 3 & selected chapter. Take notes.
View PD Toolkit resources (end of chapter). Take notes.
View additional resources in module. Take notes.
Meet with Dr. Ticknor via Google Hangout to discuss project.
Group Online Presentation:
·         Appropriate selection of technology to display and enhance presentation
·         Key points of chapter (2 paragraphs)
·         At least five examples of hands-on, interactive word study activities from chapter (see criteria above)
·         At least four examples of outside sources: texts, web site, etc. (see criteria above)
·         At least one additional resource specific for English language learners (see criteria above)
·         Submit one presentation link to Bb with all group member names by close of module.
  Individual Reflection:
·         WORD document
·         1-2 paragraph narrative
·         Professional tone and language use
·         Explained own contributions to project
·         Submitted to Bb by close of module.

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